In the history of jewelry, the promise ring occupies a special place. While rings are most often exchanged between men and women as a token of love and commitment, some of them have a broader meaning. This is the case of the promise ring that can be offered to a loved one, but also to a family member or a close friend. In this, the so-called promise ring is different from the engagement ring or wedding ring.
To better understand the meanings of the promise ring, let's start by tracing its history. Also discover the particular aesthetics of this ring and dive into the Castafiore online catalog to choose your promise ring!
A bit of history
The promise ring is historically associated with another type of precious jewel: the “fede” ring or “faith” ring. During the medieval period, this ring marked the contractual bond between two people who commit to each other. In the Middle Ages, the ring took on a sentimental dimension: it is also mentioned in chivalric novels that evoke a golden circle or a ring set with gems. The famous story of Tristan and Isolde, that of the troubadour of Chrétien de Troyes or that of Yvain and the knight with the lion thus mention the promise ring as a witness to the love bond. Throughout the medieval period, the faith ring was common, it was fully part of the tradition which borrowed from the customs of ancient Rome and more particularly from that of the “mani in fede” or “hand of trust” which marks the loyalty between two people.
The tradition of the promise ring has spanned time and centuries, and can be found in particular in the 18th and 19th centuries, but also during the First World War, where it was, for example, offered to fiancées by men going to the front: it then symbolised the promise of finding each other again .
Know that we most often talk about the wedding ring and the engagement ring, the promise ring is a little more confidential, as is the eternity ring, which couples can traditionally offer to seal their eternal love after 10 years of relationship.
What is the difference between a promise ring and an engagement ring?
During the Roman era and more particularly in the early days of Christianity, the promise ring was offered on the occasion of marriage or engagement . It marked the contract of common life that united men and women. Gradually, however, the promise ring took on a more contractual and broader meaning: it could thus unite two beings, without a direct link to the marriage contract. The promise ring, even today, can perfectly be offered to a close friend or a family member as a proof of loyalty, love and fidelity. For example, parents can offer a promise ring to their children: it then symbolizes the promise of unwavering support through all the trials of life. This very special ring differs in this from the engagement ring that is traditionally offered to the woman before the marriage union. Today, we can also consider that the promise ring is exchanged by lovers at the beginning of their relationship, simply to show that together, they are entering into a serious and lasting relationship .
Note that the promise ring is particularly trendy in the United States, it is considered by couples as a pre-commitment ring. It is also a symbol that is used more and more often to mark fidelity, especially among couples who do not want to get married, but who wish to enter into a civil partnership or simply offer each other a proof of love.
What finger should you wear a promise ring on?
The difference between a promise ring and an engagement ring also lies in the way the ring is worn. Traditionally, the engagement ring is worn by women on the left ring finger. At the time of the wedding, the wedding band is then added. The promise ring can be worn however you want. Couples who want to show their commitment for the first time can choose to wear it on the left ring finger: it can then be placed on another finger at the time of the engagement.
The Aesthetics of the Promise Ring
The iconography specific to ancient Roman tradition represented the promise ring in the form of two joined hands, signifying the “ betrothal ” that bound two people. Throughout the medieval period, the promise ring representing two hands was the most common: we know of the oldest medieval model found, that of the Lark Hill Treasure, from the end of the 12th century. In its simplest form, the ring is simply sculpted at the bezel to represent two joined hands. Of course, some models are more elaborate and, for example, associate gemstones with the hands, which can then hold a heart-shaped stone.
Today, we cannot say that there is a fixed aesthetic. We can simply say that the promise ring is generally more sober than the engagement ring. It has less bulky and fewer stones. But it's all about choice! To mark a moment of strong commitment , you can choose a new promise ring: many jewelers dedicate a complete collection to it. For even more authenticity, you can also choose a vintage or antique promise ring to which you can associate a new story! Without a doubt, you will find sublime promise rings at Castafiore, appraised by us with passion.