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The art of jewelry has existed for many millennia. Necklaces decorated with shells dating from prehistory have been found, proving the certain attraction of humans for jewelry. It was particularly during the discovery of metal that jewelry took another turn in History, and was offered in different shapes, different sizes and equipped with different elements.

We think in particular of the exceptional plastron necklaces of ancient Egypt or the reputation of Celtic torques during Antiquity.

And what would jewelry be without precious stones? Ruby, a mineral stone among many others, is one of the oldest ornaments on jewelry. Why not also adopt ancestral and traditional fashion?

When we talk about a piece of jewelry as an exceptional piece, it is very often equipped with rare and breathtaking materials. If we look at the jewelry worn by the royal figures of our era, we can cite the rubies on the crown of Empress Farah , the sapphire on the brooch of Queen Victoria, the emeralds on the tiara of Queen Rania of Jordan or the many diamonds on Marie-Antoinette's necklace.

Precious stones have always aroused enthusiasm: not only thanks to their rarity, since the gems appear in the rock depending on the high temperatures of the Earth, but also thanks to their brilliance and their solidity. To own a piece of jewelry with a precious stone is to show the whole world its wealth, its power, its taste and its refinement.

One might believe that jewelry set with a precious stone is only intended for an elite. However, at Castafiore, we advocate the art of jewelry for any woman looking for an exceptional ornament.

This is why we offer second-hand jewelry, an economical and responsible alternative for any fan of jewelry know-how.

You will find in particular our different selections of jewelry set with precious stones, such as ruby ​​rings .

Ruby, a precious stone, a mineral stone, an exceptional stone

Ruby is a red-colored mineral stone , formed more than 25 kilometers underground thanks to the heat and pressure present at this depth. Deposits are found mainly in Burma, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand and Vietnam.

If this precious stone is formed in rocks rich in aluminum and silicon, it is thanks to chromium that it takes on its red color. There are darker rubies, tending to brown: these contain more iron.

In general, precious stones are heated to accentuate their color, but also to make them more resistant. Ruby is no exception, even though it is one of the most durable gemstones in the world.

To determine the hardness of a stone, the German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs created a scale to attest to the resistance of a stone, which is still used today.

This scale is from 1 to 10, knowing that 1 represents friable rocks and that 10 is held by a single rock: the diamond. Indeed, the “queen of precious stones” is unscratchable, except by another diamond. Ruby ranks 9 on the Mohs scale, making it a sturdy and durable gemstone that cannot be scratched by nails, a blade or sand.

By choosing a ruby ​​on one of your rings , you are sure to benefit from a stone that will never move.

The ring set with rubies

When you choose a ring set with rubies , you assert your character and your style. Indeed, the ring, in general, especially set with precious stones, shows your feeling of authority. The color of ruby ​​further reinforces this trend.

The ruby ​​was in fact worn on the pageantry of princes and is associated with ardor and courage. Its bright, scarlet color also evokes passion, heat and fire. So you have understood, wearing a ring set with a ruby ​​will significantly set you apart, asserting your personality and representing your enthusiasm.

The ruby ​​ring also symbolizes love : are you looking for an engagement ring for your sweetheart, a strong, independent woman with a strong character? So an engagement ring with a ruby ​​is the perfect adornment for the ring finger of your future bride.

In addition to its color and its symbolism, the ruby ​​is considered by lithotherapists as a good way to develop self-confidence and perseverance. It would be synonymous with good humor and enthusiasm. Gemstones could also have physical effects; for the ruby, we speak of protection of the heart and the circulatory system or even the alleviation of seasickness.

Whether you are a believer or not, the ruby ​​is talked about as a stone: adopting it shows your passion for precious stones and fine stones as a whole.

Discover the selection of vintage ruby ​​rings on Castafiore

Our credo: to offer second-hand jewelry to lovers of fine jewelry, as we can be. Charlotte worked for over 20 years at Cartier while Anne has 30 years of experience in auctions. Drawing on our skills, we bring vintage jewelry up to date , sent by individuals who want to sell pieces of fine jewelry that they no longer wear.

Thus, we promote responsible purchasing and we affirm circular commerce.

You will discover vintage ruby ​​rings that date from different eras and, therefore, bring different styles.

Cocktail rings , engagement rings, tank rings , solitaire rings , find the one that suits you both by its shape, its choice of metals and alloys and the shade of its ruby.

Do you want a ring with soft tones? Opt for a ruby ​​with pink and purple highlights.

Do you want to assert your powerful character? Some rubies have more orange hues.

Affirm your style with ruby ​​rings in yellow gold , the perfect combination for this stone, or ruby ​​rings combined with other precious stones such as diamond, emerald or sapphire.